
The Impact of AI on Journalism

Back in 2014, the Los Angeles Times published a report about an earthquake three minutes after it happened. This feat was possible because a staffer had developed a bot (a software robot) called Quakebot to write automated articles based on data generated by the US Geological Survey. Today, AIs write hundreds of thousands of the articles that are published by mainstream media outlets every week.

2020-09-23 10:12:42

50% Of Food Grown Globally Is Wasted. Can AI Fix It?

The global food supply chain is mind-bogglingly complex. Tens of millions of farms feed millions of grocery stores and restaurants, which in turn supply almost eight billion people their daily food. Plus of course there are transport companies, wholesalers, distributors, processors, and delivery companies. Put it all together, and you have a massive web of producers and consumers joined by everyone in between that literally encompasses every single human being on the planet.

2020-09-15 10:05:39

AI-Driven Fitness: Making Gyms Obsolete?

72% of us are finding it easier to maintain our fitness routines now, when we can’t go to the gym, than pre-Coronavirus. Almost half are using fitness apps for the first time, and 56% of people actually don’t plan to buy back into their gym memberships after the current health crisis. And a staggering 80% of men are exercising more now without access to their gyms than before Covid-19, according to data from Freeletics, an AI-based fitness app with 47 million users in over 160 countries.

2020-09-04 10:20:38

Thanks To Renewables And Machine Learning, Google Now Forecasts The Wind

Wind farms have traditionally made less money for the electricity they produce because they have been unable to predict how windy it will be tomorrow.

2020-09-01 14:34:33

Nestlé Expands Use Of IBM Food Trust Blockchain To Its Zoégas Coffee Brand

The world’s largest food producer, Nestlé, has announced that it will be expanding its use of blockchain technology, through its membership with the IBM Food Trust Blockchain Initiative, to the company’s luxury coffee brand Zoégas.

2020-06-09 14:11:14

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